What is a prepper?

A prepper is a person who has prepared for an upcoming event. Thay have accumulated the supplies and inventory necessary to successfully navigate what it is they are prepping for. In many cases this can be; a natural disaster, a nuclear event, a social collapse, a food shortage, an economic collapse, or whatever comes to mind for you. There are some common items every prepper needs. A prepper needs; a supply of nonperishable food, an energy source, the means to power their energy source, usually weapons to protect their supplies, items or intrinsic things to trade with, transportation, a place to store all of these things together and to hole up when the time comes. In our prepping camp we have 1 year worth of food for all 4 people in our family set at 1500 calories a day. We all have ”bug out” bags that have sleeping bags, emergency blankets, mylar covers, flints, backpacks, weapons, knives and tools, hunting and fishing supplies, flashlights, emergency radios, water filtration supplies, and a bunch of other things like a pantry.

We have chosen to go with a combo homestead prepper lifestyle which is not a good fit for the classic suburban subdivision. We have bought a piece of property which we have worked really hard to pull together. It has plants on it, a trailer to live in, food stores, and water. We also have our city home where we run our businesses out of and have our animals. It is a confusing dynamic when you have moved into this type of lifestyle because you have made a conscientious choice to say ” I am not in shangri la and I need to watch my ass because things are not ok”. This does not mean you have lost your mind it means at whatever level you are at in this whole plan which is yours you are making sure to take care of you. No one is coming to save you. That is the route you have taken. You have chosen to make sure you make a concerted effort to prepare for what to you is your worst scenario at whatever level you are capable of preparing.

Preppers and homesteaders are not the norm and therefore are not trusted or understood by the majority of people. They are shopping at; Bass Pro Shop, Cabellas, REI, Walmart, Costco, Amazon, Sportsmans Warehouse, Gun Stores, Bait shops, and the RV Dealers. They are at the mall less than they are at home canning. They are spending money more on big rigs than on sports cars. They are ok with doing many of their things outdoors and learning to hunt, fish, and shoot guns and bows.

A prepper is definitely a person to make friends with if you can. They are very busy however and do not have lots of surplus time. Hanging out with a prepper is way easier if you do the things they are busy doing.

If you need supplies we have multiple types of 55 gallon barrels, water catchment systems, outbuildings, RV accessories, land, and supplies. Email us for a full list.

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