Top 10 fall & winter vegetables

Raised beds are great for cabbages! Brussel sprouts are great to grow in whiskey barrels or large containers. Beets are another great one to grow in whiskey barrels, or containers. All of these do not do well in warm weather. In those climates they tend to produce flowers. Cauliflower is another one that is good to grow in cool temps. 3 to a whiskey barrel or one to a 5 gallon container. The leaves are the cauliflower are edible as well as are the beat leaves. The need fertilizer to start out and hit them about every 15 days with fish fertilizer. If the temperature is too warm you get a tiny button cauliflower. Cilantro, herbs, mint, basil, thyme, oregano, parsley… These are cut and come again plants. Peas is a great one to grow in the cool weather. You need to be sure to have a trellis and fertilize well. They have shallow roots so you can grow several in one container. In a raised bed however you will have a better harvest. Radishes are a great one. The deeper the container the better the radish. Unlike peas they have deep roots. They DO NOT NEED TO BE FERTILIZED UNLIKE THE OTHERS! Broccoli is another one that does well. They need lots of space and you get one head per plant. They need lots of fertilizer. Carrots grow well in container. They take about 90 days to grow. Cabbages can be grown in a raised bed or a container and do not do as well with warm weather. They become very bitter in those climates. We also are growing cabbages in a long line in hanging containers that hang in a double high line. Watch our video on how to do this great space saving tool!

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