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Texas Mission Almond Tree

This lovely tree makes an attractive addition to the landscape, with pretty white blooms with pink centers in late spring. Bloom times that come a bit later help protect your precious crop from late freezes! Texas Mission Almond is known for being partially self-fertile. Technically, you’ll get nuts from a single tree. But you’ll enjoy a much larger bumper crop, if you can add a second variety nearby. With pollination support, this tree becomes a reliable heavy producer of hard, well sealed almonds. These vigorous trees are easy to care for and maintain with moderate water usage. Almond trees are deep rooted and should be planted in deep, fertile, and well-draining sandy loam. Almond trees should be planted 19 to 26 feet (6-8 m.) apart and irrigated despite the fact that the trees are drought tolerant. An application of nitrogen and organic fertilizer will aid in growth. Almond trees require full sun, particularly morning sun, and well-drained soil. A tree that sits in wet soil will develop fungal problems easily. For areas with standing water in the soil, your tree will need to be planted in a raised bed over the native soil.


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