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A traditional English cider apple, bittersweet and vintage.

This is a vigorous, attractive tree with a strong central-leader habit and a rounded crown. It is moderately susceptible to scab and black rot, and it tends to biennialism. This apple is used exclusively for hard cider; it is not suitable for fresh eating.

Major is a bittersweet, vintage-quality (suitable for a single-variety cider) cider apple. It is smallish with glossy rosy-red stripes and splashes over a greenish yellow background. Ripening early September in upstate NY, it tends to drop, and does not store well on account of the softness of its flesh. The fruit yields an aromatic, amber juice that has a long, tannic finish. (From WSU: Tannin (percent tannic acid): 0.21; Acid (percent malic acid): 0.20; pH: 4.23; SG: 1.051; oBrix 12.9.)

Major originated in Somerset, England, where it was particularly valued for providing an early start to the brewing season.


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