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Fantasia Nectarine tree

The Fantasia Nectarine is a very delicious, sweet, tangy, and juicy yellow flesh nectarine. The skin is smooth, yellow with a red blush. Large size freestone firm fruit. Trees produce young and heavy in warm Winter climates. Low Chill. 250 Hours. Self-Fruitful. A very popular nectarine in Southern California and the Los Angeles area. Nectarine tree care requires certain steps in each season for the optimum crop. Care of nectarine trees in spring includes several applications of fungicide spray to prevent brown rot. One to three applications are standard as a part of nectarine tree care, but in rainy areas or seasons, more applications may be necessary. Nectarine tree care in late spring or summer includes applications of nitrogen fertilizer. You can use urea, rotted manure, or chemical fertilizer and water in well. Young trees need half as much fertilization as older, mature trees.


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