


A traditional English cider apple, bittersweet and vintage.

This is a vigorous, attractive tree with a strong central-leader habit and a rounded crown. It is moderately susceptible to scab and black rot, and it tends to biennialism. This apple is used exclusively for hard cider; it is not suitable for fresh eating.

Major is a bittersweet, vintage-quality (suitable for a single-variety cider) cider apple. It is smallish with glossy rosy-red stripes and splashes over a greenish yellow background. Ripening early September in upstate NY, it tends to drop, and does not store well on account of the softness of its flesh. The fruit yields an aromatic, amber juice that has a long, tannic finish. (From WSU: Tannin (percent tannic acid): 0.21; Acid (percent malic acid): 0.20; pH: 4.23; SG: 1.051; oBrix 12.9.)

Major originated in Somerset, England, where it was particularly valued for providing an early start to the brewing season.

The Fruit

Fruit Type

Category: Apple
Subcategory: Cider, Cold-Hardy

Fruit Uses & Storage

Uses: cider
Cider classification: bittersweet
Storage duration: less than one month (approximate, depending on storage conditions)

Fruit Appearance

Skin color: red
Flesh color: off-white

Fruit Origins

Parentage: unknown
Origin: Somerset, England
Introduced in: 1880s
Introduced by:

The Environment

Calendar & Geography

USDA zones: 4 – 6
Chill hours: Not yet determined
Ripening date: Sep 01 (approximate, in New York State) 14 days before McIntosh

Tree Height & Spacing

Rootstock: G.11 Rootstock
Rootstock size class: Dwarf (25% of Standard)
Tree spacing (natural spread of tree): 8′
Good for wildlife planting? N

Diseases & Pests

Apple Scab: Susceptible
Black Rot or Blossom End Rot or Frogeye Leaf Spot: Susceptible


Pollination Factors

Bloom group: 3
Is it self-fertile? N
Is it fertile? Y
Ploidy: Diploid
Rootstock size class: Dwarf (25% of Standard)

Pollination Partners

This table shows the first few results from a full search for pollenizers of Major Apple on G.11. Please see our Pollenizer Search to run other queries and read how the application uses various factors. Also read more about fruit tree pollination.

Tree Ships Currently in Stock
Honeycrisp Apple on G.41 2023 536
GoldRush Apple on G.41 2023 366
Sundance™ Apple on G.41 2023 222
Winecrisp™ Apple on G.11 2023 156
CrimsonCrisp™ Apple on G.11 2023 139
Pixie Crunch® Apple on G.41 2023 136
Rubinette Apple on G.41 2023 136
Galarina™ X-4982 CV. Apple on G.11 2023 136
Crimson® Topaz CV. Apple on G.11 2023 107
Newtown Pippin Apple on G.11 2023 102
Fuji Apple on G.11 2023 42


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