Juglone Trees do or don’t?

We are designing a long rectangular lot and have our Juglone producing plants at the top. That allows us to use the rest of the incline to work with different target zones to achieve the results we desire. It is important to have your areas mapped our to some degree so you know what kind of plants and trees are the best fit for each one. For this upper area the plants I have focused on are; wild grape, yarrow, hosta, St Johns’s wort, European Wild Ginger, shasta daisy, chrysanthemum, rose of sharon, witchhazel, hazelnut, arbor vitae, persimmon, callery pear, black cherry, paw paw, maple, current, sumac, spice bush, juniger, black raspberry, elderberry, vibernum, onion, beet, squash, mellon, carrot, parsnip, corn, beans, and for the smaller trees, cherry, nectarine, plum peach, quince. My next step is to look at my local nurseries and see what is available and then check on pricing. Spacing is a key component. We have made a list Remember you need bees so flowers are an important part of bringing bees. Good luck!!

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