This extraordinarily large plum is sweet, luscious, and freestone! Featuring beautiful purple/red skin and rich amber flesh, individual fruits can weigh up to 3 ounces each! Enjoy the fruit fresh, preserved as chutney or an amazing fruit topping, or canned solo. Seneca is a regular bearer on an upright, vigorous tree. It needs a pollinizer and ripens in early September here in the PNW. An introduction from the N.Y. Experiment Station, it has proven one of the best European plums in the WSU Mount Vernon tests year after year. Plums are a delectable addition to any home garden. Growing plum trees is not only rewarding but also extremely tasty. Plums are excellent fresh but also make a wonderful jam or jelly. Care of plum trees is not difficult as long as you are consistent. Apply 1 pound (0.5 kg.) of organic fertilizer or well-aged manure in March of the first and second year, in addition to one cup (240 ml.) of calcium nitrate in May of the first and second year. After this time, you can add 2/3 cup (160 ml.) of calcium nitrate in March and August. Provide plenty of water for new trees and during times of dry weather. Place shredded bark or other mulch around the tree to help with water retention, however, be careful not to let it touch the trunk.
Edible Gardening, Fruit Trees, Fruit Trees & Nuts, Fruit Trees & Nuts, Nursery
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