What kind of chickens do I have? 425-328-6771

These are the types of chickens we are focused on at the farm over the winter. We also have a group of ayam Cemani coming up, a mixed group, and a number of silkies. In recent days our brown leghorn has become quite the hit. Shee loves to make a break for it and run the yard. Leghorns are definitely very fast paces chickens and somewhat flighty. If you want an egg layer the are touted to be great. If you want a calm laid back chicken I would go with a rhode island red as my first pick. The golden comets are unable to produce a golden comet chicken so, if chicks is your game I would move past them. If you want a beautiful chicken to impress people it is the americauna, the lacey wyandotte, or the silkie all day long! The black copper maran eggs are always the most impressive but, the egg combination I have listed we can help you achieve! Welcome to farming we have been waiting for you!

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