What is a homestead?

A homestead in essence is your store. It is your attempt to be self sufficient and avoid the store. Can you go out back and get some eggs? Can you whip up a loaf of bread on the fly? Do ou know how to make sourdough starter? Do you have food to get by for 30 days? In a prepper situation the answer is invariably yes. In a homestead situation it is not that simple. A homestead can keep functioning for an unlimited amount of time with very little interaction with the outside world. It has products and resources that interchange with each other. Chickens eat the weeds and the bugs and their excrement fertilizes the ground. The plants the chickens fertilize gow healthy and tall to feed the farmers. The leftovers from the farmers food feed the chickens. The eggs from the chickens feed the farmers. The shells from the eggs fertilize the soil that grows the plants. The water from the gutters drains into the rain barrels and drips into the fields to water the food that feeds them all. The farmers tend the animals and the crops that all work together. The farmer grows the trees that make wood for the fences to keep the chickens safe at night. The plants and trees the farmer chooses work together to make the soil, the animals, the farmer, and each other healthy. Buffalo berries, silver berries, and goumi berries all are nitrogen fixers to make the soil healthy. Black walnuts do not do well with blackberries, apples, and certain other fruits but, do well with blueberries peaches and others. A homestead does not run out of supplies in the same sense a prepper inventory does. A homestead does require food, supplies, and assistance but, it produces tangibile products that make your life better.

We are a supplier of the products you need for your homestead whether it is a chicken in the backyard, a greenhouse in the kitchen, a garden outside, or an entire farm with animals, crops, and all the fixings. Email us if you want a custom list of what you would like to get your homestead set up.

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