Grape plants & climbers 101

Reliance Grapes
Chardonnay Grapes
Niagara Grapes
Valiant Grapes

We traveled around looking at grapes all day today. These are some of the varieties we came across. The valiant are best for wine making according to our studies. The Niagara are great for making white grape juice they are nice and sweet. The Chardonnay are obviously good for wine as well as eating. The reliance are great for snacking and very hardy. You can find all 4 types of plants in our products list. Pricing will be based on a while supplies last basis. These are great for using in level 7 of the food canopies as the climber stage. We will be installing these in the next week or so on two of our perma culture installs. Wanna give these a shot? Shoot us a message and we can help you get growing!

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